
PROMARES project: the 4th newsletter is out

PROMARES, as project co-financed by the European project CBC Interreg Italy - Croatia, aims at speeding up the development of the multimodal and maritime freight transport in the relevant area of the program. 

MoS Webinar “Shaping the policy of a European Maritime Space – The Future of Motorways of the Sea

As part of the MoS Webinar "Shaping the policy of a European Maritime Space – The Future of Motorways of the Sea” that took place on July 1st 2020, Professor Kurt Bodewig – coordinator of the Motorways of the Sea – showed the new priorities of the MoS Detailed Implementation Plan 2020. It paves the way for the implementation of the European Maritime Space (EMS) as maritime dimension of the TEN-T networks.

CEF Transport Call for Proposals “Reflow”: here are the results

As part  of the 2019 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) MAP Transport Call for Proposals “Reflow”, released on October 16th 2019, the CEF Committee – which took place of July 16th - voted for 130 projects.  The allocated total amount is around 2.1 billion euros. Among others, 11 projects require the involvement of 11 Italian beneficiaries. These projects contribute to the development of alternative fuels infrastructures and studies on the cold ironing solutions within ports, cross-border connections, ports accessibility, airports transfers, safe parking areas, C-ITS services, transport systems integrated to urban node and ATM systems for the single European Sky.

Open Consultation of EU Regulation n.1315/2013

The European Commission has established the open consultation of the implementation of the TEN-T regulation. It will expire on 14/02/2020, so that to seize each and every opportunity to promote new opportunities of development for the trans European network of national interest. 

Incentivi alla Formazione Professionale: proroga termini di presentazione polizze fideiussorie

Si comunica che, con nota prot. 17513 del 26 ottobre 2018 del Direttore Generale per il trasporto stradale e l'intermodalità, è stata disposta la proroga, alla data del 12 novembre 2018, dei termini di scadenza previsti per la presentazione dei rinnovi delle polizze fideiussorie e/o delle quietanze di pagamento delle spese rendicontate relativi all'istruttoria di cui all'incentivo "Formazione professionale" (ex DM 9 giugno 2016 n. 208).

NAPA4CORE Action CEF Programme - 4th SC Meeting

On 8th of August 2017 the 4thNAPA4CORE Steering Committee meeting took place in Trieste, hosted by the partner Port of Trieste.

The event was a good opportunity for monitoring the state of the art of the activities foreseen by the project and for the coordination of the next steps concerning the Action.

The new edition of MOST ITALY

The Escola Europea de Short Sea Shipping ( organises a new edition of MOST Italy, a professional training on logistics and intermodal transport. The course   

(30th Sept. – 3rd Oct. 2017)

The “Adriatic-Ionian Logistic Corridor“ Conference

On Wednesday, 10th May 2017, in the framework of Transport Logistic 2017 in Munich, RAM hosted the “Adriatic-Ionian Logistic Corridor” Conference aimed at presenting to an international audience of private and public stakeholders, the CEF-cofinanced ADRI-UP Project and its contribution towards the improvement of Motorways of the Sea services along the Adriatic-Ionian corridor in the eastern Mediterranean basin.