Adriatic MoS

Adriatic MoS has been coordinated by RAM and promoted with Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece and Albania. The project aimed to implement the Motorways of the Sea (MoS) in the Adriatic Sea, as part of the East Mediterranean transport network, starting from the results achieved with the previous project, East Med MoS, and engaging the EU candidate Countries as well.

The project involved the Ministries of Transport of Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and Albania, and the Technical University of Athens, the Faculty of Maritime Sciences of Rijeka and the Intermodal Transport Cluster (SPC of Croatia). The project started on July 1st 2010 and was concluded on August 8th 2014.

The first step was to visit and analyze the traffic flows of the main ports operating in the Adriatic, including the ports of IPA Countries; as a result of this process, 3 projection-based scenarios (2020, 2025 and 2030) were identified, delivering particularly encouraging information.

It was also decided to analyze the benefit of PORT CLUSTERS, which for their geographical and infrastructural assets could have increased their traffic flows. In this specific case, 11 cluster were identified. Afterwards, using the modeling software CUBE CARGO designed by the National Technical University of Athens, the new possible routes of Adriatic Motorways of the Sea were identified.

Finally, the cost-benefit and environmental impact analysis carried out allowed to develop the Adriatic MoS Master Plan, the project final document. The Master Plan identifies the main features of the Adriatic intermodal corridors and MoS Routes, analyzed individually in order to set the priority level for the MoS projects scheduled and in progress.

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