
The Ecobonus is a national incentive to all road transport operators.

It aims at supporting road transport companies and the use of sea transport, in order to shift the heavy freight container traffic from road to sea routes.

The Ecobonus budget is 240 million euros distributed over 15 years, in accordance with the Law No. 265 2002.

The Budget 2008 approved this amount and actually allocated 77 million euros per year for the period 2007-2009.

The main strategy is to encourage road transport operators to shift service from road to sea.  

The complementary actions aim to encourage small companies seeking to use sea transport routes in a more efficient way, to engage in networking activities, training activities promoting sea routes access and use, and implement the transport chain with hardwares and softwares.

Currently, about 1.500.000 heavy-load vehicles per year regularly move across the so called Motorways of the Sea, which translates in half of the load capacity of the MoS and therefore another 50% can be added with no further economic, social, environmental costs.

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